1. A student must be regular & punctual
  2. Even an application for leave (on any ground) does not entitle a student to earn attendance for the period of a leave/absence.
  3. Students will be allowed to appear at the annual examination, if he/ she has at least 75% attendance of the total working days during the whole session.
  4. No students will be allowed to appear at the re-examination if he/ she is absent on leave during the examination due to any reason including the medical ground.
  5. All the students have to pass in all formative and Summative Assessment compulsorily.
  6. Only parents or guardian may discuss any matter concerning the ward.
  7. In case of any mis-behavior on the part of the parents/ the guardian of the student., the student will be expelled from the school immediately and no claim for the refund of fee will be entertained.
  8. A student will also be expelled from the school if he/ she uses any unfair means in the examination/ test or there is any activities of indiscipline or damage to school property.
  9. The school will not be responsible for the loss of cycle/ motor cycle/ scooter etc., if it is parked outside the cycle stand or remain unlocked.
  10. The students will be allowed to attend the school only when he/ she is in proper & prescribed school uniform. Students violating the dress code will be asked to return to his/ her home or fined thereof.
  11. The students will have to participate compulsorily in educational tour and other activities.
  12. No fee is refunded after the admission receipt is issued.
  13. For any accident/ causality caused to the student due to his/ her mistake, the school will not be responsible.
  14. School fee may be enhanced 10-20% per Academic Session as per the financial requirements of the school and devaluation of money.
  15. Use of Mobile/ Music system by the students in the class room and school campus is strictly prohibited & even it may become the cause of expulsion of the student from the school.