1. All Students must possess the school diary, Text books, Note books etc.
  2. Student must come to school in neat & tidy uniform.
  3. Students should be regular and punctual in attendance.
  4. Mobile,  Magazines and articles (other than those required for every day studies) are prohibited from being brought to the school. The school will not be responsible for loss of any such articles.
  5. Students should obey the members of TARUN BHARTI/ KISHORE BHARTI/ BAL BHARTI.
  6. Application for leave must be submitted a day advance (duly counter-signed by the parents/ guardians.
  7. Students are not allowed to leave the school during working hours unless the parents / guardian (the authorized to collect  them) come.
  8. School Identity card must be possessed by the students on all working days.
  9. Students should not indulge in any disruptive activities.
  10. Any damage to the school property by the students will have to be borne by the student’s guardians.
  11. The school reserves the right to take disciplinary action and can even strike the name of the student from the school, if found guilty of misconduct.
  12. The school bus user follow the rules and the instructions of the school regarding if any instructions of the transport in charge is there.

Parents-Teacher contact and co-operation is essential for a complete and harmonious development of the student’s personality. Constant vigilance on the part of parents/ guardian pays rich dividends. Please observe the following points in the interest of your ward:

  1.  Please use the School Diary as a means of communication with the school by checking the remarks; if any; made by the teachers.
  2. Please check that your ward has all the text books and the items of stationary.
  3. Please ensure that your ward comes to school in proper school uniform.
  4. Please let your child not be absent from the school without proper written leave application.
  5. Do attend Parent-Teacher meeting.
  6. Please sign the test copies/ Papers as and when sent to you.
  7. Please meet the teacher with prior permission from the principal. Please don’t go into the classroom to discuss any problem with the teacher as it disturbs the academic atmosphere of the class.
  8. Students failing to be present in school and exams will have to pay fine fixed by school.
  9. Please ensure that your ward, DO NOT CARRY MOBILE in school.

General Rules:

  1. Abide by the school rules to help foster harmony and efficiency.
  2. Safeguard and beautify the school property.
  3. Be regular in pursuing the notice etc. pasted on the school Notice Board & Displayed on the School Website.
  4. Be courteous & inculcate good manners.
  5. Be in tune the eternal culture of India and enrich it with the study of modern science.
  6. Endevour all round development of the personality.