The general aim of Saraswati Vidya Mandir is the character and personality building of students to help them become a real Men in life. The school believes that acquisition of knowledge, accuracy of knowledge, accuracy of judgement and deeper understanding of facts and figures are essential for achieving one’s goal in life. We at Saraswati Vidya Mandir direct all our efforts to inculcate these qualities in our students. In view of the national goal of education the school tries to guide the students out of the dark domains of narrow considerations and inculcate in them the qualities of equality, fraternity, forbearance and patriotism and a scene of pride in the rich culture heritage of India. We aim at five central subjects physical, Yoga, Music, Sanskrit & Moral and Spiritual education impart in them successfully.

In short, we strive to inculcate in our students all such qualities of heart and mind to make them honour humanity and enable them to take on challenges courageously. we aim at making our students a source of happiness and blessing to those who come in their contact. In fact we aim at producing future leaders and ideal citizen of the nation.